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Portfolio of
Delila Lenz

dream-of-touch-font touching hands touching hands

Dream of Touch

März 2021
The intimate and tender touch of two bodies is an important part of life. But if all bodies are perceived as a potential source of danger in a pandemic, if even the smallest collision between two strange fingertips turns into an ominous situation, how can we still experience touch as carefree pleasure?
Touch is becoming a rare commodity, and with it comes the consideration: how often and to whom can I shake hands, who can I hug, caress, cuddle up to? Therefore physical togetherness is constantly simulated through artificial virtual connections such as in video calls. The physical intimacy remains a dreamy idea and fantasy, from which no danger emanates. The 3D modeled hands address this dichotomy between the search for connection and closeness and the danger of real contact with foreign bodies. Their skin is covered by a thin, shiny layer, so that the realistic-looking hands appear artificial and absurd when you look more closely. The font is a self-designed 3D font that is covered with the shiny, incarnate material of the hands. With their rounded serifs, the letters seek proximity to one another or curl up.
touching hands
catchy tunes

Catchy Tunes

January 2020
The game that challenges the pop song and color memory of the players.
Initially, the player has 90 seconds to listen to 5 short snippets from a song and to remember the order. These are only played by clicking on the colored circles. If he has already listened to all the pieces before the time runs out, he has the opportunity to skip the countdown and continue.
catchy tunes
The player has 30 seconds to match the circles into the right order
The next part is about getting the circles in the right order. The music can no longer be played, the player has to remember which colors of the circles belong to the respective song sections. He_she has 30 seconds to do this, but can also submit the solution beforehand. If the correct order of the song was not guessed, the level has to be repeated again. If the order is correct, the song is displayed and played. Then, you get to the next level.
catchy tunes
Left: Winning Screen, Right: Failed Level Screen
The level of difficulty increases with each level. The colors differ less from each other and the order is less easy to identify. There are a total of 5 levels. When the last level is over, the game starts over. The game is optimized for mobile phones in full screen mode.

I developed and designed the game using only HTML, CSS and Javascript for the course »Internet technology« during the wintersemester of 2019/20.

Gaugan Wave Gaugan flowers

Morphing Shapes

October 2020
Within the series »morphing shapes« I experimented with merging forms and transformed them into realistic landscapes using the tool »GauGan«.
Developed by a research team from the company Nvidia, »GauGan« uses a style transfer algorithm to create photorealistic images from segmentation maps. Each color in an image represents a landscape component e.g. tree, house, water etc. Without knowing the exact outcome, I created exploding flower bombs, rainbow-hurricanes and animate waters. The project evolved during the course »creative filmmaking« in my communication design studies.
Video before and after being processed by the tool Gaugan

Website Preview

Captcha Design Festival

September 2020
The Captcha Design Festival is a project that is organized by students from the Faculty of Design at the University of Applied Sciences Mannheim every year. I designed the logo and website, and developed the website with the advice of Tim Horn using VueJs.
For the first time we as the Captcha team prepared a new kind of virtual festival with the topic »habitat«. We decided on this topic as a way of expressing the expansion and development of living and working spaces in rapidly changing times during the pandemic.
Website on mobile device
Website on desktop device
The Captcha Logo is redesigned for each year but always keeps the original form of a slanted »C«. The black background for both the logo and the website represents the seemingly infinite space that is provided to us by virtual realities. The fine lines of the logo and lightweight fonts resemble topographic maps. The prominent and complementary colours blue and red are creating an early internet aesthetic.
Website Desktop Video
Logo animation

music is everywhere

Musik ist überall

February 2021
The artist and composer John Cage once said “Music is everywhere in the ordinary moments of life. We just have to learn to hear it”.
With his art and performances, he broadened the definition of the term music and encouraged listeners to focus their attention on tones and sounds that are beyond their perception and the expectations they have of music. The intermingling of the shapes and colors of the levels of these posters symbolize the complexity of sound. Because every sound often has not just one source but at least two, three, or more. It has its own quality, texture and timbre.
music colors
door 1 door 2 door 3 door 4

Opened Doors

February 2021
Do you still dare to go outside given the latent uncertainty? Or do you prefer to hang around in the frame of the front door, a symbolic portal that separates the home and the outside world?
You watch what is happening on the street and hold yourself back. You become a passive observer, always one step away from retreating inside and letting the door fall back in the lock.

doors doors

Mut zur Wut Contest

March 2021
My two submission for the 2021 poster contest "Mut zur Wut”

Mozilla Hubs Exhibition

Vienna Design Week
Virtual Festival Headquarters

October 2020
Thanks to an invite from the project manager Gabriel Roland, we as the Captcha Design Festival were able to be a part of the Vienna Design Week by contributing to the »Virtual Festival Headquarters«.
The idea of VDW 2020 is to bring people together in a virtual space where they can move around in different exhibitions while having a natural sound and (if they are using a VR headset) spatial experience.
Mozilla Hubs Exhibition lazy
Screenshot of Mozilla Hubs Exhibition Space
For the hub provided to us, we placed the 3D model of the exhibition centre »Mannheimer Kunstverein« into the platform Mozilla Hubs creating an entangled exhibition dynamic: in the real life exhibition, that could be entered digitally in the »Virtual Festival Headquarters«, we projected the virtual exhibition next to the original artworks that were created by our festival participants.

Exhibition Scene Exhibition Scene Exhibition Scene Exhibition Scene

Fight Against Oblivion

January 2020
The virtual exhibition »fight against oblivion« addresses the commitment and courage of the war photographer Gerda Taro who was active during the Spanish Civil War.
Despite her impressive œuvre, which captures war history and preserves unique moments at the frontline, the memory of Gerda Taro faded after the second world war. Her photographs were often falsely assigned to her partner Robert Capa and his agency »Magnum Photos«; until her achievements were finally recognized after the appearance of the »Mexican Suitcase«: a box with thousands of exactly dated photographs that can be ascribed to Taro.
Exhibition Scene lazy
Floor plan of the exhibition space
The visitor is guided through the aftereffect of her unsparing and documentary photography while passing through different room stages – going from a dark room with high contrast lightings, to closely converging pale walls and ultimately a wide and bright yellow room.

I used Cinema 4D for building the 3d model of the gallery in the »Port25« in Mannheim and TwinMotion for the final rendering. The concept and implementation of the exhibition evolved in the course »communication in space« during the wintersemester of 2019/20.

Crazy Dog Crazy Dog

»Going bananas/ Durchdrehen«

October 2020
The photography series is a contribution to the upcoming 25th edition of the student magazin »komma« that I created.
Crazy Dog


Collection-App for Sneakerheads

February 2020
Quickly filter, sort, and manage all of the shoes you own. View information, images, and add personal details. Sizes, brands, colors, and more!
SneaKing is an app that helps passionate sneaker collectors, also called sneakerheads, keep track of their wide sneaker collection and gives them the opportunity to chat and trade with others of the community. The user interface is structured like a social media platform where you can follow users and explore their accounts. At the same time the app is a marketplace that gives you the opportunity to discover new trends in the community, buy and sell sneakers.

If you are not sure about buying a shoe, you can add it to your favorites list, so you can look at them later. The user account sites are divided in a feed, where you can post pictures of how you style your sneakers with an outfit, and a “shoe cabinet”. The shelves give you an overview of your collection and let you classify your collection by style, color, brand etc.
»Reorganizing, investing and keeping in touch with other sneakerheads will step up your game!«
The visual focus of the app is on the sneaker: the preview images are big, the design is minimalistic and the font is relatively small. The pictures and graphics are slightly rounded, which gives the app a dynamic look. The thin lines separate contents elegantly yet clearly. We decided on the bright colors green and purple, as together they make a sporty, fresh duo and are reminiscent of 90s sneakers and windbreakers.
Preview Sneaking App

The prototype of the app “Sneaking” was developed in a group project with Cathrina Priem, Bianca Radlbeck, Alicia Sophie Trinkaus and myself as part of the course “Interface and Networking” at the University of Applied Science Mannheim.

Delila Lenz
Hi, I am Delila!

I study communication design in Mannheim. My skills include web design, 3D design and corporate design. In my projects I like to connect sophisticated concepts with a playful and experimental approach to visual processes.


Delila Lenz
+49 177 6 333 876